
SEO keyword research and advanced competitor analysis for $20

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SEO keyword research and advanced competitor analysis

Advanced Keyword Research and Competitor Analysis

An In depth SEO keyword research and advanced competitor analysis can
value all the efforts and brings result effectively to them who invest
times and money for online business. But simply, most often online
businesses` efforts fall flat because of selecting wrong KWs. Don't you
value your times and money? Do you need the most important Keywords that
match your business?

Professional Keyword Research and In Depth Competitor Analysis Dealing

I am Sayeed here to find out and grab the most profitable keywords for
you. I am a local SEO expert, online marketing consultant, and
experienced in ecommerce marketing.My effective SEO service can help you with high search volume and low competitive KWs to improve Google ranking quickly.

In this Keyword Research gig, you will get:

✓ Low competitive and high demand keywords.

✓ Professional competitor analysis report.

✓ Research through lots of factors.✓ Short tail kwrds.

✓ Long tail keywords.

✓ Buyer intent kwrds.

✓ Deliver reports in Excel file format.

You need professional SEO service for your online business. Feel free to
contact me for your needs. Waiting for the replies. Thanks.


seo keyword research best keywords


0 reviews

Rating breakdown

100 keywords with 1 competitor analysis 2 days $20
200 keywords with 3 competitor analysis 3 days $50

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