
Google Penguin Safe Backlinks 15PR2 12PR3 10PR4 6PR5 3PR6 100 Manual Blog Comments Dofollow on Actual PR for $5

99.3% (4,705)

Google Penguin Safe Backlinks 15PR2 12PR3 10PR4 6PR5 3PR6 100 Manual Blog Comments Dofollow on Actual PR

This gig is specially for Google Penguin Update..
100% positive Rating on this penguin updated gig.
We have already re-ranked several websites which got a penguin penalty. Do not buy 1000 crappy links any more - buy high quality. Like We offers to kill google penguin

1. Highpr back-linking on website hosted on different ips
2. Do-follow backlinks guaranteed
3. Blog commenting 100% manually
4. Blog comments Re-checked for our and customer satisfaction
5. No porno links.
6. No use of auto approved software's or tools
7. No Spammed Comment. All comments are written Manually & RELEVANT to the Post
8. PR is of the Actual Link and its not the home page PR.

The wait is over and place the order ASAP,

Best Regards,
Team SEO Prime


Backlink Google Pr6 Pr5 Lowobl Highpr Blogcomments Linkbuilding Googlerank Ranking


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Google Penguin Safe Backlinks 15PR2 12PR3 10PR4 6PR5 3PR6 100 Manual Blog Comments Dofollow on Actual PR for $5 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 35 user reviews.
$5 - In stock