
Why am I receiving WTB notifications from other SEOClerks users?

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Why am I receiving WTB notifications from other SEOClerks users?

I haven't logged in for awhile but noticed some news emails in my email box from SEOClerks this morning and wanted to come by to see what's happening at the site. When I got here, there were WTB notifications from a user that I didn't follow. Actually, I'm not following anyone for this specific reason as I don't want to receive notifications. I don't mind official site emails as those are relevant, just not WTB or service type. Why am I receiving notifications if I'm not following that person?


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Thanks for your concern. Yes it is good question specially who do not want to receive unexpected email. If you are member of SEOclerks, until off the button of Receive Email for WTBs with similar Skills you will get notification by SEOclerks and continuesly and it will ge notification automatically after creating each WTB by user. You can simply stop this section according to ?idealmike instruction. Here again for you just go to your profile settings and turn to button on to off like above.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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Thanks for taking time to respond. I'll be sure to update my account when I get a free minute. Why am I receiving WTB notifications from other SEOClerks users?

It will be good to look around and see what's new, been so long.

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