
Do you trust your forum members?

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Do you trust your forum members?

How much do you trust your forum members? For instance, could you trust forum members with the power to delete posts in their own threads? Or, do you think this power would be abused?


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If I knew them well enough I might let them but then again I think that would be the responsibility of the admin.

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If I knew them well enough I might let them but then again I think that would be the responsibility of the admin.

It's weird how sometimes power can go to a person's head on a forum. I just don't feel comfortable letting forum members delete posts or discussions. As you say, this responsibility belongs to the staff/admin.

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Be cautious when assigning any type of mod power to an average member.

Forum members are guests to the site, even if you try to make them part of the community and will usually serve their own ends rather than those of the site. So if they see it as an advantage to delete a competitor's comments then they will do so.

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Any kind of power can be abused if there is no check and balance. And speaking of trust on forum members, I don’t think that can be achieved because a forum community is a pseudo society that is comprised of people of different personalities. There is no such thing as a Utopian forum where all and sundry are toeing the line. It is better to be on your toes than to be complacent in trusting the community members. In other words, the admin and the mods should always be on the lookout for wayward members.

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