
Do prizes for posting work to get new content?

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Do prizes for posting work to get new content?

Does it help to offer prizes, whether monetary or virtual to get more new posts on your forum? If so, what type of forum prizes would you offer? Try to think of some unusual prize ideas.


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Forum prizes could be a good incentive for members to post. But, the only people who will post are those people who are already on your forum daily. It might not be a good way to get new members, but you will get a lot more new responses or discussions if you award prizes.

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If it is a good enough prize, then you will have many that will want to participate. I do feel that it is a good idea to look into.

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If it is a good enough prize, then you will have many that will want to participate. I do feel that it is a good idea to look into.

What type of prize would you be interested in seeing on a forum? In the past, I've offered free advertising on home page as a prize and that worked well. I had considered an Amazon or online retail store gift card/certificate. Do you think that would be a good prize?

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I can’t think of a good prize because I’m a material girl so I would be glad if I will receive even a key or whatever small item as a reward. But, of course, the posting should be substantial like maybe 20 new threads or even 50. Or maybe it can even be a competition with several possible winners. I’m sure I’m not the only material girl here and those small gift items will surely invigorate the boards.

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