
Do staff badges make forum members more wary?

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Do staff badges make forum members more wary?

Is it useful to have many forum members on board with staff badges and maybe that could cause forum members to be on better behavior or at least discourage trolling and spam. Do you think this is true?


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A staff title or badge can put a potential trouble maker on guard since they will realize a staff member is more likely to delete their rude comment or post. You will notice an increase in bad comments if no staff members are on forum.

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I do not think that this is true. I mean if they are going to troll they will not matter what.

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I do not think that this is true. I mean if they are going to troll they will not matter what.

Some people do like trolling and it's difficult to have them on forum as you can't watch them all the time. Hopefully, there will not be many people like that on a forum.

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Is that staff badge the same as the color that appears in the name when in the list of active members usually found at the bottom of the home page? I am oblivious to that although I know of some forum members who are aware that a staff is online so they’d better behave. Maybe that staff badge can help in putting order to the forum especially when the forum has a chat board. Remember that chat boards are prone to flaming and insults?

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