
What's the best spam prevention mod on a Xenforo forum?

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What's the best spam prevention mod on a Xenforo forum?

I need suggestions for which spam prevention mod to use, one that would not allow a person using the same IP as a previously banned email address to sign up again when using that IP.

Or, what best spam mod to be using on a Xenforo forum.


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You don't need any sort of spam prevention add-on, banning IP addresses are part of the core Xenforo functionality. Simply log into your Admin section, go to users and under User Discipline there is a Banned IP Addresses link. Click there and enter the IP of the offending user.

Additionally, Xenforo already has pretty solid spam tools baked in, too. Be sure to setup Stop Forum Spam, Project Honey Pot and Akismet under the Spam Management section in the Admin Options.

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