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got a question about subscriptions and how they work.

how do i know when a buyer cancels a subscription? is the only indication that i dont get a notice to deliver the service?


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its just confusing after a while with dif subscriptions piling up. I appreciate the help.

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Nobody can answer this? awesome....

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Currently there is nothing that specifically alerts a seller that a subscription was cancelled. Buyers must cancel these through their PayPal account and once that is done there will be no further orders created.


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there should be an alert to the seller. with multiple subscriptions its difficult for sellers to keep track of them with the current layout as it is. letting them know someone cancelled so they dont keep the service running would be great. as of now someonce can order a service from a heavily ordered gig and then cancel, if the seller doesnt realize it because they have many orders as it is they wont know to cancel it for that subscriber. either that or figuring out a better way for a seller to keep track of live/dead subscriptions would be nice.

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I understand where you're coming from, it makes sense to be notified in some way.

We'll keep this in mind and discuss the potential implementations to improve the subscription setup.


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Somene important saw how important it was to have this and implemented some changes because i just saved myself a lot of time, hassle, and money, by getting a cancel notice! First cancel ive been super happy about getting!

now first thing i saw with this there may need to be some thought into how this works for seller time wise. im not really sure but depending on when a buyer cancels they may still be able to take advantage of the system with timing somehow. not really sure how it works so i may be worried unnecessarily.

Thank you to whoever implemented the cancel notice system. You made my day!

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