
Get users (sign up) for my web

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Get users (sign up) for my web

Hello, excuse my English, is google translator.

I need for my web users.

Are there services for this?

Thank you.


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I need users, sign in, in my social network, registration

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Go to the Seoclerks homepage and enter the word "signups" in the search box

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ok thanks ;)

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If you want signup on your social network site,just create WTB,

In project title write example - need signup to my social network site
In Price- you much you want to spend on this campaign.
In Description- write some thing about your site,how much signup you need and so on.
In Requirement - write some rules that signup must be verified or no fake signup or else,how much signup you need each day or so no.

Select the category -Social Network
Tags- any
Maximum day to complete- in how much day your work should be completed
Bidding time- how much day member can bid on your WTB.

Skills- what skill are require to complete this project like social media marketing,

Add Image-- your site

And Submit.

Now Wait ,you will get bid on your project.

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