
How to be more productive as a freelancer

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How to be more productive as a freelancer

Being a freelancer is not always the glamorous job it's made out to be. Much like a regular 'real world' job, it requires an intense devotion and dedication of hours, time and energy. And, you still have to get up and work, even when you don't feel like it. Here's a very useful infographic illustrating ways a freelancer or any business professional can be more productive, even on low motivation days.

How to be more productive as a freelancer

courtesy: Accelerate with Google+


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Shut off your phone (unless needed for work). Don't check emails or Facebook. And, work in a quiet room. These are tips to be more productive in your freelancer work day.

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Great tips and infographic provided. I will not work with a phone in the room as it is way to distracting to me.

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Wonderful tips Beverly. Set aside a time of the day when you can work and do not let anything interrupt you and you will be fine.

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Little brush fires that pop up through out the day, such as family dramas may seem important but they provide an unwelcome distraction to your work day. That's why you need to seclude yourself in your home office to get work done.

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Little brush fires that pop up through out the day, such as family dramas may seem important but they provide an unwelcome distraction to your work day. That's why you need to seclude yourself in your home office to get work done.

Prioritize and focus on what's important. Family issues can be very pressing. So it's important to give time to your family, especially if you are home. But you also need time and space to complete your work.

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Prioritize and focus on what's important. Family issues can be very pressing. So it's important to give time to your family, especially if you are home. But you also need time and space to complete your work.

Otherwise, what would have taken an hour to do, will take five hours and you will end up earning less than you would have otherwise.

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Shut off your phone (unless needed for work). Don't check emails or Facebook. And, work in a quiet room. These are tips to be more productive in your freelancer work day.

Yes I agree. FB does tend to make me want to be less productive on days so I will not check it while I am working.

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Yes I agree. FB does tend to make me want to be less productive on days so I will not check it while I am working.

Facebook is starting to take over my days off too. So I am resolved not to even login there as so much drama to deal with. :/

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Watching quality business motivation webinars before going to sleep late at night makes me all pumped up with energy the next morning. Also... I have a big clock next to my computer screen. Just to remind me that time is running out. How to be more productive as a freelancer

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Watching quality business motivation webinars before going to sleep late at night makes me all pumped up with energy the next morning. Also... I have a big clock next to my computer screen. Just to remind me that time is running out. How to be more productive as a freelancer

You're are one of the lucky few that actually get to sleep at night. Consider yourself blessed.


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When I have low motivation then I say you will just need to work for an hour. Usually after an hour I am so into it that I want to work more.

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Shut off your phone (unless needed for work). Don't check emails or Facebook. And, work in a quiet room. These are tips to be more productive in your freelancer work day.

I agree that a phone should not be in the room with you unless you need it for business. Or do not answer if you do not have to.

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Some days I am really productive and other days not so much. I guess that it all evens out.

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Employ a virtual assistant who can keep track of your daily emails and perform tasks online that would otherwise take time from your day. You could hire this person by the week or month and assign a list of duties. That's another way to be more productive as a freelancer.

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When I have low motivation then I say you will just need to work for an hour. Usually after an hour I am so into it that I want to work more.

This is a really great tip. Usually after an hour you get so wrapped up it is hard to quit.

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Music it a true motivator for me.
It allows my mind to flow freely and gets me to focus on what needs to be done, especially with writing How to be more productive as a freelancer

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Music it a true motivator for me.
It allows my mind to flow freely and gets me to focus on what needs to be done, especially with writing How to be more productive as a freelancer

I always have music playing in my work space as it puts me in a cheerful mood. And, like you said it helps the free flow of creative ideas, especially when blogging. This helps me get more done and earn more money as I'm more productive with my work day.

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Treating time as money is a good lesson for every freelancer as you will lose money if you waste time and give into distractions during your work day or give away work for less than what it's worth.

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This type of mind map is always useful for organizing information on a subject. And, I learned a lot by reading it. I enjoyed finding out some useful tips for saving time and being more productive as a freelancer.

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Being a freelancer is not always the glamorous job it's made out to be. Much like a regular 'real world' job, it requires an intense devotion and dedication of hours, time and energy. And, you still have to get up and work, even when you don't feel like it. Here's a very useful infographic illustrating ways a freelancer or any business professional can be more productive, even on low motivation days.
courtesy: Accelerate with Google+

Here's all I have to say about that:

How to be more productive as a freelancer


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Treating time as money is a good lesson for every freelancer as you will lose money if you waste time and give into distractions during your work day or give away work for less than what it's worth.

Don't give into time stealers like Facebook. Stay strong with your motivation and you will earn more at the end of the day.

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It depends upon the quality of your work. If its qualitative then will definitely be productive.

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I get my work done before any play. No FB or emails til the work is all done.

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I get my work done before any play. No FB or emails til the work is all done.

And, it helps to have regular work hours, just like a job as you are being paid so it's only fair to the client that you devote work hours to the project and leave play time for later.

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Sometimes, the most important thing you can do is simply do anything, make a decision and stick to it until you see a result. That's far better than over thinking everything and doing nothing.

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Passion is first, devotion is second. My father taught us the value of work that you have to do it right and on time. You can do that once or many times but fail sometimes unless you are devoted to your work. Passionate workers more often than not turn in a good job than the non passionate. And devoted workers never fail to meet work deadlines.

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