
Being a freelancer

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Being a freelancer

Being a freelancer

It gives you a platform or you can say "chance" to prove yourself how good your are in delivering your services to your buyer

Being a freelancer it make you more expert and professional towards your service

Happy to be a freelancer


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There are many benefits to being a freelancer. You can get a job anytime by offering your skills to others. All you need is experience.

You don't need a bachelor's degree in that subject as you might if you got a traditional job.

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Yeah. I love to work at home at my own time. I can use all my experiences to earn some extra income and not only things that i have degree for. It's great to be freelancer

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Yeah. I love to work at home at my own time. I can use all my experiences to earn some extra income and not only things that i have degree for. It's great to be freelancer

Do you earn as much money as you want from just freelancing?

I would like to know about your freelancing experiences on this site.

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For me, freelancing is one endeavor that I didn't think I would enjoy. When I started freelancing, my intention was to improve my written English. But in the course of my learning, I have been earning money on the side and the knowledge I was getting was something to crow about. In other words, freelancing for me is also learning that's why I really enjoy doing my work even if I have a high-paying job in the bank. Yeah, my freelancing is just part-time.

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