
How can you extend the life of your social media content?

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How can you extend the life of your social media content?

Sometimes coming up with new ideas for content creation is really difficult. There are those days when you just cannot think of anything worth sharing. So you may need to extend the life of the social media content you created some days ago.

  1. As long as the content can be considered as evergreen content, you can repost it. Chances are a good number of your followers hadn't seen it when you had originally posted it.
  2. Turn an article or post into a slideshow or presentation.
  3. Create an infographic.

Do you have any other ideas to add to these?


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This is really good idea and i do that most of the time. As you said sometime is hard to come up with good new idea to write something, but instead wasting time, in that case i re-share my old contents which are evergreen and could be used again and again. It's not recommended to do it all the time in large numbers as some of your followers could feel like spammed, but new followers would possibly be interested in something you write few months ago and information is still current trend. So i recommend this method to be done occasionally.

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Hi EliteWriter your idea really good and working as well. Sometimes I also do it. If you are very active user on social media, you cannot write always new topic. Because it is need time to write something new, and as busy freelancer you cannot manage such exact time to write always. So, this idea really work as repost old content or topic which new followers may not see previously, when you was mainly posting. And I agree with anwebservie if you use this method again and again your followers may think you are spamming. So, from me also not recommended for doing repost or re-sharing always.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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I usually share content on clients post in order to get some reshares. And I guess reusing the content or resharing on other pages does help a lot. I have found that it can get some good returns this way. It may not make much money but it can surely offer some good returns with likes. Nothing is that guaranteed these days.

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If you share evergreen content on your social media account, you can extend life of your content by
resharing: you share your content again
interacting: you respond to comments, you comment back.
If you are sharing content on current topics, it is irrelevant to share it again.

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That’s a pretty neat idea to rehash your posts in social media to at least make good use of the past postings. However, in my experience, it is better to create new content instead of re-using the old one because I have some friends in social media who are sharp and for sure will notice that I am rehashing my posts. But anyway, I agree that sometimes you face a blank wall and resorting to a rehashed post is the only way to post for the moment.

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