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Best email headlines

Let's share best email headlines for an email marketing campaign. Which recent email headline grabbed your attention?


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Any email with a headline which promises to show you how to make money will get opened.

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Ones with flashy content such as making money, or paying off debt.....

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"Open for $100!"

I got that email from ELF (eyes lips face- a cosmetic website). Actually opened, though I knew it was an ad. Best email headlines

I love their emails.

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The heading should tell main purpose of your email, this is main thing here...

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Ones with flashy content such as making money, or paying off debt.....

Everyone wants to be debt free. Though sometimes the lure of easy credit approval will get an email opened.

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This head line look like - " Earn $50-$80 Per Hour. Click NOW:::

I see lots of those in my spam box but never in my main email box. So maybe these don't work for every marketer.

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I'd venture a guess you get tons of emails in your inbox every day. Coupons, daily deal sites, newsletters, password resets, lead nurturing emails, social media notifications, invitations to friends' parties, and maybe even a few emails from your mom. That's a lot to sift through, never mind actually open. So what makes you want to take that extra step to actually open an email? Often, it's the subject line. After all, it's your very first impression of the email -- and from it, you'll do your best to judge the content on the inside.

Some Best Email Subject Lines You've Ever Read:

1) Warby Parker: "Uh-oh, your prescription is expiring"

2) Groupon: "Best of Groupon: The Deals That Make Us Proud (Unlike Our Nephew, Steve)"

3) Rent the Runway: "Happy Birthday Lindsay - Surprise Inside!"

4) Barack Obama: "Hey"

5) Manicube: "*Don't Open This Email*"

6) Refinery29: "The broke girl's guide to a luxury vacation"

7) Zillow: "What Can You Afford?"

8) UncommonGoods: "As You Wish"

9) DocuSign: "What are our customers saying?"

10) JetBlue: "You're missing out on points."

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Email headlines will be attractive

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Let's share best email headlines for an email marketing campaign. Which recent email headline grabbed your attention?

The email head line which work for any business is best headline

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