
How much money would you pay for a banner ad?

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How much money would you pay for a banner ad?

If you were going to advertise on a blog with a button or banner, how much would you expect to pay?


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It does depend on the ad placement, the size of the banner, and if there's a ton of other advertisements on there or not.
Generally I wouldn't want to pay more than $1 per 1,000 impressions. Or .10 or less per click.
If you look enough in the right places sometimes you can find some really great deals like:
250,000 impressions for $50 in your targeted niche.
Something like that is a much better deal (as long as the placement is good, and doesn't have 10 other advertisements on it)

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A lot of factors to into that determination of cost. Things I would consider:

Niche of blog. Is the audience targeted? Highly targeted? Just a little? Etc

Conversion. Have I used in past and does it convert? If so, I'd be willing to pay tons more.

Placement of ad, above fold or below



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It depends on how much popular that blog/site is and the traffic it is getting right now.

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ya like Greatrealfollower said it just really depends on how active the site is, and how often the ads get clicked.. The most I would ever spend for a week would be 100$ unless the rates were off the roof.

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Depending on stats of the site you are advertising on. You could pay from $10 a month up to $1500 a month if not more.

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This will depend on the traffic on the site, niche of the site and ad spot. If the site is a high traffic site and in the same niche as my ad and I get the best spot, I think I can pay upto $2 per 1000 views or one cent per click.

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Nothing is certain or static because many factors come into play like the type of blog, the traffic in the blog,demographics of users etc.But I will pay a reasonable amount if the site is okay.

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