
Who critiques your advertising copy?

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Who critiques your advertising copy?

Do you always ask friends and family to read your ad copy before you run the advertisement? Or, do you rely on a business partner for feedback?


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My family isn't in my industry, so they wouldn't be much help to me with proofing ad copy. Usually, I'll just go with my own gut feeling about an ad before running it, rather than ask for opinions.

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Asking my kids to look over my sales page before I publish it, would be like asking one of them to fix my car when it breaks down. You need to rely on a professional marketer for advice on ad copy and when writing sales pages. Otherwise you are going to get bad advice.

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The best critique to your advertising copy is someone not close to you and someone who does not have an idea of what you are advertising. Never let your family critique your work because they are biased or prejudiced in a way. And to be on the safe side, there should be at least 2 people to review your copy so you can get a consensus.

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