
Should Google try to guess what you want?

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Should Google try to guess what you want?

For instance, let's say you search for a keyword on Google, should they try to guess whether or not it's best to show videos or text or images search? Rather than letting the default search be just text and making you specify images or videos if you want something different. Maybe if there were a better mix of all media on that first page, text, images, videos, etc, then it would be a more enriching search and provide more relevant results.


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forever love
It's difficult to know what a person is thinking and whether or not they want text or images or videos. For instance, if a person is writing an article, they might prefer text searches, but someone looking for a band's video would want a video. Maybe it will get easier in the future for Google to predict the specific type of search you want without being told.

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In a way, Google already does an excellent job of guessing or reading our minds when we search. Many of the common mispellings are accounted for during a search and they will show you a correct version of what you might have been trying to search for.

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I agree with Beverly on this. I feel that Google does a great job on what it is doing and should keep up the good work. I know that many times I have had misspelled words and it found what I was looking for anyways.

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I agree with Beverly on this. I feel that Google does a great job on what it is doing and should keep up the good work. I know that many times I have had misspelled words and it found what I was looking for anyways.

Possibly, this is another reason why it's harder to rank for mispellings anymore as Google will simply correct the misspelling when it's typed into the Google search box.

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If any word is miss-spelt and it is too near to the main word then you would get suggetion from Google, otherwise if it is too different and if it is not even a word then it can be considered as name. The name may be of person, place, product and anything as well.

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Whenever you make a search, there will always be a blend of videos, text, shopping results on that first page. You can always choose to refine your search by clicking on one of those links. Maybe over time, Google will learn what you want and customize your search results to your preferences.

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