
10,000 hours to become an expert, how in SEO?

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10,000 hours to become an expert, how in SEO?

They say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. How do you accumulate 10,000 hours in SEO? I mean, there doesn't seem to be that amount of work involved unless you are just reading... You build links, easy but that doesn't take 10,000 hours. Not to mention, no one really knows what all is involved in SEO.

How does one get the 10,000 hours?


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Is it even possible to be an SEO expert? Consider how many times Google has changed it's mind on acceptable SEO techniques. What worked a year ago, might not work anymore. So in a way, we are all students of SEO, constantly learning.

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Is it even possible to be an SEO expert? Consider how many times Google has changed it's mind on acceptable SEO techniques. What worked a year ago, might not work anymore. So in a way, we are all students of SEO, constantly learning.

Well Said Beverly, you can not measure the actual time for becoming an expert, moreover I shall say becoming an SEO Expert is not at all an easy task, as every new day new changes arrive in SEO world and to cope up with it and work as per the changing nature is a difficult job to be done, so were, are and always will be the students of SEO....

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If being an expert, means that I have to stop learning, then I don't want any part of it. I'm constantly reading up on new SEO techniques, so in that way I will always be learning.

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Even if you devote one hour daily to SEO work or learning, you will not even have 400 hours of SEO experience at the end of one year. How many years would it take to earn 10,000 years of SEO expertise? And, then as mentioned, you would still not be an expert as SEO rules change all the time.

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Anyone can call himself an expert in SEO by knowing just a few things. However, an expert in the true sense of the word is someone who knows completely the subject matter and in full details. But 10,000 hours is just a saying because it’s a very long time for SEO learning. I cannot estimate the time period to be an expert but I think you can if you are up to date with the trends of SEO.

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