
Upcoming SEO events

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Upcoming SEO events

2014 will be full of upcoming SEO events. In March, there will be a convention in California for those that wish to sharpen their SEO skills up. This conference will take place on March 11-13 at the San Jose Convention center located at 150 W San Carlos St, San Jose, CA 95113.

So why should you plan on attending this workshop? During these days, you will be able to up to six different in depth workshops that include SEO, In House SEO, International Search Marketing, Content Marketing, Advanced Adwords Training, or Social Content Distribution for SEO. There will also be 60 sessions on learning about paid searches, mobile search, and many others. If you have a group of 3 or more attending with you, then you can also receive a discount. There is also an early birds rate if you are registered soon.

Amit Singhal will be at the conference as well. He will discuss Googles recent updates, as well as share what we can possible expect in the future with SEO and google. Also there will be a boot camp for those that are just getting started in SEO, where they will learn all sort of information to help them with the SEO process in just one day. Or if you know enough about SEO, but just are not sure what to do about Social media, the social media marketing bootcamp will be for you. This is one of the best conferences to attend in the US so make sure you get your tickets early.


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Really good information thanks for sharing. I hope for those who cant visit San Jose or people from other counties will get some tips or program's highlights over internet .. it would be great if you can share that info as well .. May be in future .. :-)

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Did you plan on attending this Angie?

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