
What is an unnatural link or link scheme?

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What is an unnatural link or link scheme?

Google says they don't like unnatural links. But, what is an unnatural link? Would it be considered unnatural linking if I were to comment on other blogs and leave my own link there?


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Any link placed on another website that is intended to trick Google into thinking your website is more popular could be considered part of a link scheme. That doesn't mean you can't backlink, but not for the purpose of making Google think others like your website.

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Any link placed on another website that is intended to trick Google into thinking your website is more popular could be considered part of a link scheme. That doesn't mean you can't backlink, but not for the purpose of making Google think others like your website.

But, wouldn't that prohibit you from placing any links on any websites if that's true? After all, your real purpose in backlinking is traffic or search engine optimization. Also, how does Google know you are only placing the backlink for traffic purposes? So they would just assume you placed the backlink to trick them. It's not like Google will give you the benefit of the doubt on the situation.

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Typically, when a website owner likes your website, they will place an editorial backlink to your site. This type of backlink is freely given by the site owner and says, 'I like this site!'. Google likes editorial backlinks as they are a vote of confidence to let others know that site is worth visiting. You should always go for these type of backlinks rather than the fake spam profile backlinks which are artificial links.

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Any link placed on another website that is intended to trick Google into thinking your website is more popular could be considered part of a link scheme. That doesn't mean you can't backlink, but not for the purpose of making Google think others like your website.

And, see this is where I disagree with you. Google can't possibly know who placed the link or why and what their intentions was. And, even if they see your link, how will they know it wasn't placed there by the site owner? Does Google actually distinguish between a do follow forum profile link and a backlink within a blog post made by the blog owner?

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Nice information.

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