
Is your Facebook inbox cluttered with chat from random friends?

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Is your Facebook inbox cluttered with chat from random friends?

Sometimes when i login, i have twenty or thirty random comments from casual Facebook friends looking to talk. And, i have to sort through all those comments to see if there's anything relevant and worth responding to. Does this ever happen to you? I think it's less a sign of friendship when that happens and more about random bored people looking for entertainment


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Yes a lot, Its like a puzzle for me. If I need to find a important message in my inbox then it consumes a lot of time.

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I am also wondering why those people who are not my friend would be sending me a message like a greeting or a simple hello. But I am intrigued by 5 persons who sent me a request for a number to bet on the lotto. I am wondering why they have targeted me. It looks like those 5 know each other. One of them sent me a message that the number I gave did not win so she has no more money for buying food. But I didn’t reply to any of their messages.

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I am not getting such :-) , I am always replying to my friends whenever they massage or comment

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When I joined some groups on Facebook, such things started happening to me and what I did is just to ignore most of them with nothing to talk about and focus on those with things that interest me and see how it went.

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In the olden days when Facebook messages have only the inbox, messages from unknown people are getting in. Yeah, it clutters the inbox and it gets annoying especially when the message is about a relationship. But now, it’s good that Facebook has that other folder to hold messages of people not in your friends list. Much more, you can read the message without letting the sender know that you had read it unless you click on the Accept button. I have countless of messages from such kind of users.

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