
How safe is it to share other people's videos on Youtube?

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How safe is it to share other people's videos on Youtube?

So let's say you find a video on Vimeo or other site, (not Youtube) and want to share it on Youtube. Would you get in trouble for copyright infringement? How could you share without getting into trouble?


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If you don't own copyright, then don't post it. If you want to post someone else's video, then share it via Facebook, so your friends can see. In this way, you are not claiming ownership of the video, but merely sharing it for others to see.

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If you add a unique element to the video, it will most likely be allowed to stay up. Sometimes, you can add a new intro to a video and that will suffice for making a video unique.

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When it comes to YouTube, you can share whatever videos you want but if someone reports it for whatever reasons including people in the video, it would be deleted. The best way is to share it in Facebook where there is a slimmer chance of it getting reported more so if you're settings isn't public.

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