
Amazon social network

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Amazon social network

Would be considered a social shopping network? There are reviews and forums on the site as well as ways to leave positive/negative feedback for other users. Aren't these facets of a social network?

What other shopping sites have a built in social network?


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I suppose you could call it that. It isn't really about being social though. Like Facebook you visit to learn about other people or tell people about you, to communicate.

Amazon you to buy stuff, not chat.

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I tend to agree with robertman. It is not a social site but yet a shopping site that offers the reviews.

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I don't think amazon will go down the road of social networks. Specially after seeing how g+ & flopped in front of facebook.

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Would be considered a social shopping network? There are reviews and forums on the site as well as ways to leave positive/negative feedback for other users. Aren't these facets of a social network?

What other shopping sites have a built in social network?

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Amazon has a social component allowing customers to leave reviews of products and ask questions on their forum. However, it differs from Facebook in how you don't get your own timeline where you can post status updates.

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