
Would you buy a .biz or .net domain name?

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Would you buy a .biz or .net domain name?

The .com domain names are very popular, but not the only option for a TLD. You can also buy .biz or .net domain names. Assuming, the .com TLD you wanted was not available would you buy the .biz or .net version?


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Even if you own the .com version of your TLD, it might be worthwhile to buy the .biz, .info and .net versions just to keep your competition from capitalizing on your success. Also, you can redirect from these domains to your main site.

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I have had a very successful .net site so I would consider it again. Never used .biz yet.

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I would always choose .net over .biz. Although .com is more recognized .net is in my opinion the very best alternative. I have never used a .biz domain nor even considered it.


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After .com, the .net TLD is the most recognized, and worth registering. Never liked .biz

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After .com, the .net TLD is the most recognized, and worth registering. Never liked .biz

Yes, I also choosing .net if .com not available and never using .biz!

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.com, .net and .org are top 3, I never bought other except country based one and I never thought of it. First domain I ever purchased was .net and it's worth 300$ right now while same TLD with .biz extension was never registered and it's worth 0.

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I have bought several .net domains but I have never and probably won't buy a .biz domain. I don't really like the .biz domain as I don't understand it and .net has worked well for me to be honest but I don't feel a need for the .biz really. But that is just my thoughts on it.

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I don't have dot biz or dot net domain, however, if I am trying to register a domain name and I cannot get a dot come with that name I will settle with other extension. I will choose extension based on the niche of my name. For example, for a business website, I will choose dot biz.

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