
Which do you prefer for Facebook marketing? A Facebook Page or a Facebook Group?

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Which do you prefer for Facebook marketing? A Facebook Page or a Facebook Group?

So many people ask me what the difference is between a Facebook page and a Facebook group. To me they are completely different and I use both, however my main focus is always my Facebook pages.

I find that a Facebook page builds my own brand and I can focus on growing my audience for my websites. I also like the fact that I can make use of paid advertising on Facebook which I have found highly effective to date. i can target the exact audience I want to reach which I find quite nifty.

Yes I also join groups in my niche and post some things there but mostly I focus on my pages.

Which one do you prefer and why?


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I personally prefer a Facebook page rather than a group. First of all it seems more professional. Besides the way you can manage it is easier as you are basically managing every aspect as if it were your site sort of. You feel more of an administrator than if it were to be a Facebook group. You can also opt for adverts, which is much better if it is for a business.

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You can do so much more with a facebook page you can add a store tab and a review rating tab also to help sell your products. Your facebook page shows up better in the google searches along with the reviews rating as well. Good 5 star reviews will drive business to you.

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oh yes I forgot about that, with a Facebook page you can even have a store on Facebook!

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From my observation, i feel that persons who join Facebook groups just do it so as to promote their products and services but that is not the same for Facebook pages. as for me , i prefer settling for the two and experimenting to see the one that works well for me. but i will most likely go for Facebook page if am to choose only one. WHY? because
(1),....i have bought Facebook ads for my page and it grow my Facebook likes like magic.
(2).... Facebook pages are not usually saturated with lots of other products and services posted by members of the page unlike Facebook groups.
(3).... A person can become a member of a Facebook page automatically and very easily unlike Facebook group where you have to request and and wait for the admin to get approved before you become a member- some persons dont have that time to wait that long
On a final note, going for facebook page is sure for me but i recommend the two-page and group.

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I'm on both because you can leaversge on both to make a kill, if you're active on fackbook groups and you're known it gives buyers the confidence to patronize one than when a total stranger advertize on the group that's if you're a seller.In fact I gain more from Facebook groups than pages.

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From a business stand point and my own experiences, I would suggest a Facebook page. I've never really had any type of luck trying to sell things on a Facebook group. Even things like furniture, in my local facebook page.. Imagine me trying to sell my php scripts on a facebook group.. lol

Facebook groups are good if your area is large enough, and there is enough members in the group, but where I live local groups are small, and are inactive at most times.

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Oh yes a Facebook page is so much more professional, plus there is so much more that you can do with it like let people know your opening hours, your website, have a call to action plus you can add tabs for Twitter, Newsletter Sign up for Mailchimp or Aweber....

I love the fact I can advertise my page using the Facebook page ads... Plus of course I can add a plugin to my websites showing my Facebook page too.

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I would go with creating groups. But you have to be very careful not to spook anyone with advertisements right from the start.
I actually did this at one point, created a facebook group, started meaningful conversation very niche related and very specific, eventually other people joined and all sorts of conversation started to grow in natural way.

Left the group manage itself for a while until in got big enough for my to advertise my client's blog. The niche was "atheism" and the group grew to about 7k members, 100 of them pretty active on a weekly basis, the other were mostly readers and lurkers.

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Yes I know exactly what you mean by advertisements too early Cristian. It very soon becomes a spam fest and groups take some heavy moderation how ever you do it, unless of course you restrict people from being able to post or comment at all but then you have a boring group with no engagement...

But yes once you have a nice size group with good engagement going it is great.

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I have experience with marketing on facebook page as well as facebook groups. Both of these have advantages as well as disadvantages. You are in charge of your facebook page, and you can share what ever you want. UNless, the facebook group is created by you, you will have to adhere to the sharing rules. In order to get most from facebook page, you need a large number of followers, and getting followers is very difficult. Facebook groups are likely to have many followers, however, most of the members are only interested in sharing, they don't interact.

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Facebook page is important. Very few people go and search for facebook groups.

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You can own a facebook group and use it to market your products and services as well. I don't know if I understand how the Facebook page works, but I have seen many sellers use a facebook group to market their products. maybe I will have to go back and see what a page is all about.

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If your purpose is for business, I think the Facebook Page is more appropriate. If you have seen a fan page of a celebrity, that’s exactly what a Facebook Page is. You create a fan page for your business. Fill the page with a catchy title and description, images and photos, details of the business that you are promoting. Don’t forget to include your business address and reputable people connected to you. That Facebook Page will serve as your business card. And the next step is to post the link of your Page onto your timeline for your Facebook friends to see. And you can promote your Page regularly but not too often so your friends will not be annoyed.

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I developed a lot of Facebook groups focusing on different wide based niches. If I need to sell anything, I would just post it in a group and share it to other groups and in a couple of hours I would have plenty of inquiries.

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I think it depends on your goals. If you want to present your business in a high-quality way, it is better to use the Facebook page. If you want to build a large community, make something like a forum, then a group will be a great option, because you will give the freedom and permission to create content to others.

Read this guide on Facebook marketing, it will give you good new knowledge

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