
Speed up Your WordPress Website

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Speed up Your WordPress Website

I want to discuss with you about WordPress website speed. How you generally speed up your WordPress website if it seems slow. I generally used W3 total cache, WP fastest cache, Smush it & Online JS & Image Optimzer. Let me know yours how you solve this problem?


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Thanks for your response. Actually I never used two cache plugin at the same time. Sometimes W3 Total cache creates problem with website. Also let me know how I can fix the blocking JavaScript issues. Now I am not working any website but I just need to know how I can load fast a WordPress website.

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Hey Omar, I am not really clued up about how to speed up websites. I do know that my website was terribly slow and problematic and Anwebservices did an amazing job of sorting out my website for me in no time at all.

So yes if you can't get it right yourself I highly recommend that you check out his services and get him to have a look. It is the best thing I have done this year!

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First thing first, use a good Cache Plugin. If your site has a lot of images, CSS and Javascript then you should use it because it will boost the speed of your website tremendously.

W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache are two amazing plugins that will improve your website perfomance if they are proper configured.
Do your best and compress the images from your posts because it will considerably reduce the load time. There are some great tools that can do this job for you, WP or Tiny PNG should do the trick.

Another good thing that you can is to optimize your website's database tables. WP-DBManager allows you optimize, repair, backup and restore your database.

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I am not sure if using two catche plugins is smart ide. However, by using this plugins which you mentioned, your website should be quiet fast.

What is your average loading speed??

If your blog is still very slow, you may need to check other plugins and find what is slowing it down. It maybe also problem with your hosting...

Speed of your WordPress website depend on many factors and without looking into that, it's hard to say what causing this problem.

Loading too many offsite javascripts can be problem too. Also it can depend on theme you use.... So without looking into your website, it's hard to say exactly what is the problem and how to solve it.

In this community discussions i was writing some tutorials about improving WordPress speed but it seems that you already doing pretty much of what i was writing about...

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Hello Omar77,

To speed up your wordpress blog, you can use the following plugins:

  • Cache Plugins: W3 Totlal Cache. (if you have problems with it also can try with WP Super Cache).

  • Image optimization: WP and BJ Lazy Load.

  • Javascript, HTML and CSS minify: Autoptimize or WP Super Minify.

  • Database optimization: WP Optimize.

Also you can use GZIP compression to load your website faster.

Other recommended plugin is P3 Plugin Profile, with this plugin you can know which plugins are overloading your server and then disable it!.

To test your website speed you can use Pingdom ( and PageSpeed Insights (

I hope I could help you.

Regards, CodeBots.

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I suggest making use of the CDN like maxCDN, Jetpack wordpress etc. Those CDN can speed up your website. Depending on the requirement and the plan. You can make use of the CDN for getting more traffic. I have found out that wordpress can be easily speed up in many ways. I think it can be get from your hosting company too. They can add the CDN add on and the speed for the website increases.

If you are into CDN then you can also make use of the external image storage and image compression option. That also seem to be helping many sites on saving time for loading.

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