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Was wondering if a website or blog has up to 700,000 views a day,how much money can it yield?


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There is actually different rates for audiences from every country and I think the highest pay would be from viewers that are from United States. This is my experience with Adfly and I have to say that it's not always that your viewers will be from US. Also it depends on the service that pays you for views since they will have different rates. Clicks on the website will also matter if you have ads enabled.

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Using adfly,do you really depend on your website traffic with ads?

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HI there,
Thanks for your query. I am still confused what type of views you are talking for? Impact may different according to platform. If you are talking about Youtube views, they may paid you $2-$8 per K according to quality and country. But, if you are talking about traffic of your website, it may different depending on many things. But, before all of them you must to ensure they all are real human. Than you have chance to convert people for money. I want to tell you simple example by Adsense. If your website has adsense, you will earn good amount of revenue each for month from your mentioned amount of traffic or views. If you sell any affiliate product, I think you will get at least 10% customer from all of your views or traffic.

So, it is uncertain. But, if you got all views or traffic from bot, it is 100% ensure that, you will not earn even any penny

Regards by Ajlancer

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Am talking about real human traffic. Having up to that amount of people from USA.What estimation of money can be made?

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You have to be kind of daft to believe some of this stuff. Unless a human being makes something happen for you knowing your paying for nothing but a glorified bot net nothing is really to gain. There is two sides to every coin...... If someone is willing to believe something works and willing to pay a arm and a leg for it its just possible they might be working together and someone else is at least willing to pay you a fingernail for your services. Of course if you dont get your arm and leg back its kind of pointless looking for your toenails. You see where I am going with this. ie. I spent 7 grand already. and a company reneged on 15 grand because of it. Hell I would pay 7 grand to make 15 grand every day of the week but even better 2 grand to make 17 grand...... ie those were the day of the silver investor though. You know guys that made things happen.....

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From what I know this depends on the pay rate and the timing on what your viewers saw your blog. Anyway, I don't think the rage will be over 20 cents a day. Is not that much I know, in fact, is a bit low for such a huge traffic.

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20 cent for 700 000 views.
why then are blog owners so interested in traffic.
P.S: a non marketing or advertising blog like Christian blog.
How do they make the cash?

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Can you verify this sir? Do you have a source? Because if this is real, then don't you think that it's not worth it at all? I mean, sure it's a passive income, but still., it's not a lot.

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How much you earns on your site really depends on many factors such as the behavior of your site visitors, what they do? How long they stay on your site page? do they click ads? Are they looking for for free stuff? If you can take your time and study what your visitors do, you can find a better way to monetize your tariffs.

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Loads of rubbish traffic = No money
Small targeted traffic = Eventually some money can be made
Lots of targeted traffic and a good product or service = Good money can be made if done correctly!

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This is so true. Targeted traffic is the game changer. People need to focus on that type of traffic. Because that is what changes the way we earn online, Having million views in PTC are of no use. It's the waste of money. You can see that people are not even sure of that sort of mentality in that case.

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May be 2100$ I think. From my last experience I have been watched that for per 1000 view peoples are getting paid by 3$ from google. From that point of view for 700000 view you will get may be 2100$.

You can give a drive. But view traffic should be original and organic and SEO keyword based.


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.01 cents a day. Maybe .15 cents if a human sees it time to get on the gravy train my friend

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That's too poor.Are you trying to say website owners don't make good money from traffic?

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I think it depends on whether people are clicking on ads or buying products or what they are doing. It really depends on what the people are doing on the site. If all they are doing is coming and taking a peek it is doubtful you are going to get any money out of it. It really depends on what you might get.

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This is a very widely opened question. You can't just throw around some random amount of daily visitors and then expect for people to tell you exactly how much the site would be making.

How much a site earns depends on many different factors and visitors are just one of them. If the visitors are bots, there won't be any good use. If they are human then you can make some money. But then you have to ask yourself how? Are you using CPC such as AdSense? Where is the majority of your traffic from? What country? Are they clicking the ads?

The better option of trying to make money purely from views/visitors is definitely through YouTube rather than a blog.

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Not sure about what just went on I was banned from posting? For what did I hold my nose wrong or something.

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Really not so sure mate I do think depending on what niche. What I would do as well is make sure you have the right ads showing for your keywords as well. Search google for your keyword and see if there is an Ad at top of google if there is, is it matching the keyword.

As for earning I am not sure but depends are you using wordpress and how many ads are showing on your page. I tend to just have 3 on posts and also 1 in the sidebar as long as its not in your face it should be good.

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I posted a original shark video on YouTube, which I thought was pretty awesome. I think after a few months only 600 views. A cat playing in the snow can go viral. I don't think making money via YouTube is that easy.

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I think the amount of money depends on your niche and your monetization strategy. You can use Adsense, affiliate or even sell products themselves. It is

difficult to stipulate a value, but if your traffic is really qualified, you will surely be able to make good money.

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The estimate of the price depends on so many could have many views but in conversion, it may be quite small.The countries these views are coming from must be taken into consideration
Another consideration is the organic visitors from those views and again how many clicks came from these views.

so a lot is involved not just the views

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Hallo Augusta, I agree with you a lot of things are taken into consideration like you stated above plus It also depends on what they are viewing, If it's advertisements, Just clicks on websites or viewers of a monetized YouTube channel maybe he needs to be specific.

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If your site is under the aegis of Adsense then I guess that would amount to more than $500 per month of earnings from the ads. But it depends on where the traffic is coming from. Take note that Adsense is not easy to fool so that if your traffic is mainly coming from bots then take heed and change your style for you may be banned in Adsense. But if that number of traffic is legitimate then I congratulate you for a successful website.

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