
How can I level up and earn more sales?

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How can I level up and earn more sales?

I am in level 1. how to level up? I have six positive ratings and my last delivery was 4 days ago.


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complete 10 orders and withdraw youe first earning

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Bid on Jobs daily here

These sales will help you reach 10 and then 25 completed sales that you need for userlevel 2 and 3

Don't forget to withdraw your earnings at the first time possible as you have to wait 20 days after the first withdrawal to go to level 2

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Level 2Level 2 users are getting serious and earning serious money. To obtain a level two status:

  • SBA Completed/Purchased/Affiliated 10 orders on time
  • SBA Have no infractions (follow the rules)
  • SBA Your email must be verified
  • SBA You must associate a phone number with your account
  • SBA Login often (once per 14 days)
  • SBA Account is at least 7 days old
  • SBA First completed sale/purchase/affiliate sale is at least 30 days old
  • SB Have a 90% rating or higher
  • S Completed one payment withdrawal that is 20 days old
  • S 72 hour or less response time

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Please see- userlevels

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Great. SEOclerk level up have a details option.
See in down of the page.
There you will find userlevel section.

Read details. You will understand the full details.


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