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I got 3 disputes

I got 3 disputes and now paypal is showing in minus how to solve this, as my buyer is agree to reopen that order again but also he is unable to do that, and i want to refund him from paypal disputes i am unable to refund it.


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You will have to top up your PayPal funds to clear all the minus to make your account active again, then only you can do a refund from resolution. The payments are on hold by PayPal as it is minus. Call or reach out to PayPal support if you still got a problem.

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A Dispute is a purchase that you're not fully satisfied with. The first and last name of the customer making the dispute. As assignment service uk explain An order number for the order containing an item to be refunded or returned. The date of this transaction.

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Grayson, I love the idea of ??returning an item if it doesn't work for you. The same goes for writing as well. But if you order a job in a good service, then you will not think about a return. You will be very pleased with the work. On the site, https://www.academicghostwriter.or...ic-ghostwriters/ , CVs are written in such a way that the employer will not only be interested in you. But the resume will grab his attention.

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