
How to use Pinterest and other similar sites?

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How to use Pinterest and other similar sites?

Hello Everyone,

I have been using Pinterest, Diigo, Delicious, Stumbleupon and few other similar sites since last few months. My question is how frequently can I repin my Pinterest pins or do the same things in other sites like Stumbleupon and others. Please share your experience and knowledge. Please tell if you know.

Thank You


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Pinterest is pin boad style content curation site. On pinterest you pin images from other webpages. The pinned images backlink to the original webpage. If someone views the pin he will be guided to the web page. When the visitor is at the webpage of the pinned image, a view is accumulated for your webpage. When more people visit your pin, more views will be generated. If more people repin and the repinned images are viewed by even more people, even more visits are generated. In such way pinterest genetares traffic to your webpage.
Not just webpage, you can also pin product images and sell your affiliate products.

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