
my level decreased 1month ago how can i increase that again???

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my level decreased 1month ago how can i increase that again???

due to some cancellation reasons i was demoted to level1 from level3 now i m getting sales again anyone can plz tell me that when i getting my level back>>????????
its very hearting to me someone suggest me something, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
and plz also tell me the filters of seoclerks


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Hi john4,

You will not lose your User Level because of cancelations, if you have lost your Level you no longer meet the requirements listed on the User Level page. The most common reason someone loses their User Level is from an infraction followed by having the question/account content deleted to the point where they no longer have enough for the requirement. You can check infractions from your public profle page, these are only viewable by you.

If your account has been placed under a restriction that is causing this then you will need to contact support:


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i think you got infraction from SEOClerks for violating the terms and conditions of SEOClerks, wait for the infraction to expire or if already expired contact staff by submitting a ticket here - Submit a ticket

- Sunil Bishnoi

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the only reason from going level 3 to leve 1 is that you have been demoted due to violation of TOS or you got infracted because of one of your sales.

you can increase your level again 
just follow the rules


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