
Hiring Story books lovers and reviewers

Hiring Story books lovers and reviewers

Hiring 10+ storybook readers to leave a review on Amazon.

Book will be available for free, at the time the job starts

Books Details are inside this link down below.

How it works.

Applicant apply the be a reviewer, (Must meet simple requirements)

Applicant buy the book and read it while it's free

Applicant leaves a review and send us a screen shot of the review

Applicant receive $1.


Applicant must have be able to buy the book in Amazon (Check the link above)

Applicant must be a customer of Amazon and have bought and reviewed something from Amazon before.

Preferred freelancer but not required

Freelancer from US.

Have bought and reviewed a children's story book before.

Have bought or reviewed a book before.

How to get approved?

Send an attached screenshot of your browser being able to buy the book

Send an attached the most recent products of Amazon you've reviewed preferably books

Skills Required

amazon writing english reviews


i will give you 1 review for your amazon review i will give you 1 review for your amazon review i have alredy done you order me sir i have more experience

Bid On Listing Created 5 years ago in Article Writing

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