
I need somebody to post 3-5 Blog posts on

I need somebody to post 3-5 Blog posts on

I have created a paid per view blogging site. I need people to post 3-5 blog posts. (You will also earn for creating the post) create a free account at


3-5 Premium blog posts. Must be uploaded at

Skills Required

Able to type


hi, i am a professional content writer . i am able to do that work . i fully understand your project and hope to fullfill it.

i read your description very well,you need a freelencer who write blog posts for you. i am sure that i can do your projects very well. i hope you will be happy by my work.

my name is tanvir shahariar.i am a seo expert and seo content writer.i am good at seo writing,plugarism cheaking,content seo ,
image off-page for blog/aticle.


hello, i am a blogger and i work on several websites. i saw your ad. is it possible for me to work with you, my friend? i have an account on the site, but what will i get? i am from morocco. ???...

i will write 3 blog posts for your blog, this will help you to rank your blog higher in search engine results.

i would like to do your work for $5.i hope to complete your work quality.
so you can contact me freely.

thank you for your job post.

i'm excited to craft 3-5 engaging and seo-optimized blog posts for with a focus on innovative tech topics, my strategy includes audience-centric content, timely delivery, and seamless collaboration. let's discuss deadlines to ensure a successful,

Bid On Listing Created 8 months ago in Blogs

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