
Tweet About Our New Free App

Tweet About Our New Free App

Split Arrow Studios, LLC is a very small game development company (3 lifelong friends) comprised solely of gamers. We welcome any and all feedback and take gameplay issues (bugs) very seriously.

The first version of our first Android Game (app) has just been released. We are looking to get the word out about it! We are hoping to get some people downloading the game so we can get feedback (good and bad) so we know what people like and where we need to improve.

We are currently on the Android Store here:

We are also on the Amazon Kindle Store here:

We are not yet on Iphone/Ipad or Windows 8 (but we will be once we get some good feedback on the game). We have the game developed on these platforms, but Ipad/Iphone apps take a few weeks if we have hotfixes.


The tweet would require the following:

1. Encourage your users to check out/download the new Free Android App.

2. Include the following TinyUrl: (or any other service you prefer as long as it points to:

3. Include the following Hashtags: #GalacticSwarmInvasion #SplitArrowStudios

Skills Required

Social Media Marketing Twitter Tweet Sponsoredtweet


my twitter id: @aktechz
if you want, i can give you 500 retweets or favourites to your tweet for $1.
for more, check my services.

i will tweet your message to my 14.3k active followers two times with different time zone.

check my profile @dkpatel2020

i will tweet your message to my 20k active followers three times

im able to download, positively review and rate it 5 starts with different realistic users.

for $ 5.00 you will get
5x positive reviews
5x 5 start rating
5x downloaded

let me know!

i will give you 5 tweets & re-tweets that will go out to 5 high quality accounts!

@madil80 - followers 5700+
@decent99 - followers 5700+
@theclassifiedz - followers 1900+
@expertrrcom - followers 50+
@adinedolly - followers 100+
@freedomainpage - followers 7000+

you can order here:

Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Social Networks

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