
WTB USA YouTube Subs 2,000

WTB USA YouTube Subs 2,000

I'm looking for a new vendor for USA only YouTube Subs.
Okay what does this mean you may ask?
Well most of the time when anyone says "REAL" in their gigs it's bullshit, you know that.. I know that. The truth is we use bots and proxy IPs to create real "LOOKING" accounts. Adding a few subs and views gives people a quick boost out the door against the competition and this gets real subscriber conversion faster. SO by USA YouTube Subs that means you have to have the following:
#1 USA geo based dedicated proxy IPs
#2 An intelligent bot to make gmail accounts which then turns them into real looking youtube accounts
#3 A YouTube bot which uses your clean real looking account to sub, like, or view.

So... if you're one of the few sellers that does this. I'd like you to be my new vendor. If you are reselling... bug off.


-NO RESELLING! (you're gonna have to prove via screenshots the below)
-USA geo based dedicated proxy IPs
-Your own bot to make gmail accounts which then turns them into real looking youtube accounts
-Your own YouTube bot which uses your clean real looking account to sub, like, or view.
-More than one computer to do this for you
-be able to meet or come close to my former vendors rate of $5 USD per 2,000 subs or $5 USD per 20,000 views or $5 per 2,000 likes.
He had over 10,000 Youtube accounts via dedicated USA Proxy IPs, but his business went under because of a natural disaster, so looking for new vendor.

P.S. I used to use myself, custombotsolutions YouTube app. If you want to look into jumping into this properly, use a bot like that. And use a different one to make the accounts. Get dedicated Proxies (meaning only you use them)

Skills Required

Script Bot Youtube Views Subscribers Subs Likes


dear sir,
i give you 500 usa only youtube subscriber only 5$
order me

dear sir,
i m ready for ur work.i take per 1k youtube subscriber 5$........

Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Youtube

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