
Top 5 Social Media Marketing Trends of 2019

Top 5 Social Media Marketing Trends of 2019

Whether you've already developed a strong social media marketing strategy or if you're still trying to figure out how to make the right impression on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat, you know that social media marketing isn't something you can ignore.

But you also want to make sure the tactics you're using are effective, increase your conversions, and above all, are in line with the needs and expectations of your target market. 

To make this happen, you need to be on top of 2019's biggest social media marketing trends. 

This post is here to fill you in on everything you need to know to get comments, likes, shares, and, of course, sales on social media. 

1. Gaining Consumer Trust Through Story Marketing

One of the biggest social media marketing trends 2019 has to offer? 

The popularity of story marketing on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, as opposed to making permanent posts on your branded social media accounts. 

These "stories" last just 24 hours, and you can opt to turn the commenting feature on or off when posting. The best thing about story marketing is that it offers much more flexibility and an interior look into what day-to-day life at your company is like. 

For example, you could generate buzz/drop hints about a new product release in your stories, create a poll to get a better feel for the kinds of products your consumers are the most interested in when it comes to your range, and even use your stories to feature followers and unofficial brand ambassadors that have posted about your brand. 

In addition to more traditional video marketing advertisements in stories, however, you also have the option to show followers snippets of meetings, a glimpse into your warehouse/factories, and even introduce them to employees. 

This helps to increase the level of trust that consumers have in your brand -- and since 73% of shoppers say that transparency and trust within a brand are more important than even the price of your goods or services, establishing this trust matters more than ever. 

2. Retargeting/Remarketing

Perhaps the most effective social media trends for businesses who are specifically looking to increase their conversion rate is to get serious about remarketing. 

When your target market is logged into their social media accounts and view your website and your specific items, remarketing makes the items those consumers looked at appear in their social media feeds later on. 

This is especially helpful if you've noticed that, while many of your site visitors put items into their shopping carts, they don't actually end up completing the transaction and placing those orders. 

Retargeting is a gentle reminder that gauges if they're still interested in these products/services and urges them to complete the purchase. 

That's what we call following up with a lead. 

3. Using Augmented Reality in Social Media Marketing

Augmented reality is quickly becoming one of the most talked-about social media marketing trends of the moment. 

Unlike virtual reality, where you place consumers in a completely new environment, augmented reality makes subtle changes to a consumer's environment. 

Especially for cosmetic brands, clothing companies, and the hospitality industry, AR marketing is completely changing the social media marketing landscape

Consumers can now "try on" clothes or makeup over photos of themselves on social media. While in a hotel, they can learn about activities and special services. 

But AR works for other brands, too, because consumers can use filters to put stickers from your brand on their social media posts and share them with the world. 

4. Social Media and Customer Service

Nearly 50% of consumers say that, when they ask a question about an order, the shipping process, or even a product or service your company offers by messaging you or leaving a comment on your social media post, they expect to get a response as soon as possible -- often within an hour. 

One of the most important social media business trends of 2019 is to make sure that you respond to those inquiries ASAP, and that you do everything possible to answer popular questions while a consumer is still deciding what to purchase.

Chatbots are a popular way to make this happen, as are automatic responses to common questions posed on social media accounts. Your social media auto responses may also tell consumers the number they can call or email address they can use to get the answers they need. 

One thing is certain: customers see social media as an extension of your overall customer service department. 

5. Shoppable Posts

We've all had the experience of scrolling through Instagram or another social media platform and seeing a product we'd like to learn more about. 

But if your consumers have to click on the link to your site in your profile, then search for that specific product, the odds they'll actually do it drastically decrease. 

Shoppable posts allow consumers interested in items featured in your post to click on a link embedded in the picture itself to be directed to the specific product page. 

Not only does this increase impulse buying, but it also shortens your overall sales cycle. 

Find a Freelancer to Put These Social Media Marketing Trends into Practice

Now that you know all about 2019's hottest social media marketing trends, you're ready to make them work for your company. 

You need to find the right freelancer to make it happen. 

Click here to connect with an experienced freelancer who has the qualifications and expertise you need to take your social media marketing to the next level. 

Whether you need someone who can help you write the perfect caption, help you dream up a compelling handle, or even a freelancer who can help you learn how to take stellar photos for your social media platforms, we're here to make finding them -- and growing your business as a result -- as easy as possible. 

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