
Most controversial topic on your forum?

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Most controversial topic on your forum?

What's the most controversial or flammable topic ever started on your forum?


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This one was not on my forum but one I started on another site I belong to...spanking. Got tons of responses, both for and against

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I've seen very heated discussions over Presidential elections. These usually draw the most trolls.

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In the forum about the movie industry, there was one obviously a fan of a movie star who never tires of posting about her idol. The community is quiet in the forefront but sometimes I would read one who gets annoyed because the other threads are relegated to the bottom. Sometimes I would check on an old thread that is on top of the new posts list which means there is a new comment. And the comment turns out to be a simple “up” just 2 letters to mean the commenter wanted that thread to be on top of the heap. Anyway, it came to pass that the fan girl had noticed that “up” comments and started a world war with the topic – if you don’t like my posts then I don’t care. That thread got a lot of reactions that later resulted in the fan girl leaving the forum.

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