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Why close a thread?

At what point would you close or lock a forum thread? For instance, what requirements must be met before a thread is locked?


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If the thread has become infested with hatred speech or trolling, there is usually no way to save it. In that event, you should lock the thread or even delete it. That will prevent others from contributing.

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If everyone is saying the same stuff then I might consider closing it. Or as Justin has stated, if it is being trolled or just harming the forum, then I would lock it.

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If everyone is saying the same stuff then I might consider closing it. Or as Justin has stated, if it is being trolled or just harming the forum, then I would lock it.

Really, you can always tell when a forum thread has run it's course. Especially on big forums, you will see these long discussions (that have ten or more pages) and everyone on the last two pages are repeating each other and digging up the same things and there is no new info. Hopefully, a forum admin or mod will be watchful for that and just lock the discussion as you suggested and maybe even start a new one so everyone can go at it again.

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Lock it if no new info is being posted. Everyone can rehash on the same old stuff, and there really is no point to it. Gets really boring to read as well.

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If a forum thread is also only generating spam then I might consider locking it as well.

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I don't currently own a forum but when I did for the most part the only times I ever really locked threads were either when they were a sticky for something important and didn't need replies or if the thread had started to go very off topic in a bad way.


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I am against closing or locking the thread for whatever reason. As I was saying time and again, a thread is a content and any content has the capability to grow with more comments. A closed thread is a dead content meaning it cannot grow anymore. In that case, it is meant to be in the museum and not worth to be read. For me, I have the tendency to post a reply when I had read a good topic. But if the thread is already closed then that disappoints me because the idea of a reply on my head is simply wasted. Yeah, reading a closed thread is a waste of time for me.

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