
Old pages ranking high on Google search

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Old pages ranking high on Google search

I'm always finding older pages on first page of Google for some keyword search results. Why are those pages still ranking so high on search engines?


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Some pages are considered ever green, in that they contain very high quality information. These pages are usually backlinked from numerous sites and blogs causing them to be seen as more authoritative by Google and thus they can stay in the top of Google search, even years after being published, beating out newer pages.

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This is one question that my husband couldn’t resolve with their office website. The old site in another domain is getting a good position in the ranking that sometimes when a searcher looks for their site, what is offered as the first link is the old site which is already obsolete. That has been going on for more than 5 years and they are stumped on what to do. Maybe someone here can offer a solution so the old website will not appear in the Google search anymore.

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