
You need to have at least 10k views to monetize videos on YouTube now

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You need to have at least 10k views to monetize videos on YouTube now

Among recent events, YouTube has decided you need to have at least 10.000 views to monetize a YouTube video.
Keep in mind these views apply to the entire channel, not to a single video. So if you have 10k+ views cumulated on your channel you are in the clear, but if you don't you need to up your game and up that views by publishing better content.

I know what most of you are thinking right now? "I will just by a ton of views from freelancers and everything will be fine"
Well, you may not want to do that if you want to make a living someday off YouTube. If YouTube catches you buying views just to get into the Partnership Program, well just say bye bye to the program because you won't get in and you will also get banned most likely.

You need to have at least 10k views to monetize videos on YouTube now


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I suppose it makes sense. I have less than 10K real views, but I don't monetize my videos anyway. Though, thanks to all the fake views I have, apparently I will still have the option to.

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I think it's a good change and understand why Youtube decided to implement it. It's understandable that the site wants to pay the creators which are serious and plan on doing stuff for a while.

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Well,I don't see this as much of a problem, a good video or good videos with net more 10,000_ views in no time,one don't need to buy fake views I believe.

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I am guessing they are filtering the spammers and the scammers who steal others videos. And I am guessing they may in future add more restriction. I guess they have to manually approve the content too. This way those video stealing people would surely going to be removed. I hate those people they are the reason why people are hating to be on youtube. Making original content is something those people are not doing. So we have to see how the system gets rid of them. It's good to see that limit is higher though.

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So what happens now to YouTube channels that have less than 10k views? It’s sad that they will lose their monetization privilege and we belong to that category because we don’t have that much viewers and our subscribers are less than a hundred, I think. What’s happening to Google? Are they starting to choke us with their new policies? Why change the status quo when everyone, big or small YouTubers, are beneficial to YouTube because we are posting contents. It’s sad, really sad for small time video makers.

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