
Seller Level dropped from 3 to 1. How to restore?

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Seller Level dropped from 3 to 1. How to restore?

My seller level was 3 and it has suddenly dropped to level 1. What's the reason for this? How can I restore my seller level?
Thank you


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Thank you for the suggestion, I will check what's wrong with the requirement.

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Your response time is 4 days. And you can confirm that by going to the userlevel page.

You have a 4 day and 5 day response time order that is causing your response time to increase.

This issue should spontaneously resolve within 30 days assuming you are responding to all orders in a timely manner.

A good rule of thumb, always be the last person responding on order page.

Do not deliver the order without first responding at least one time.

For instance, if 4 days between start of order and seller first response, even if order delivery, then that order will be 4 days response time.

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Thank you very much, I will work on it, Best Regards!

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