This has been disabled. Please do not submit a request for staff certification, it will be rejected

Prove the Quality of your Service

Most buyers are afraid to buy your service unless they see a ton of positive reviews. Even then, they are suspicious. Will it work? Will the seller deliver my work and then once I accept all results disappear? Will the seller even do anything once I hire them?

We now have a new section for Staff Selected services. The services listed here are services that a staff member has reviewed and confirm that that they do work. This gives the buyer assurance that they are not buying low quality work. They can depend on our certification of your service.

How to get Certified

  1. Create your service if you have not already
  2. Submit a ticket stating that you are going to achieve Staff Selected certification (see format below)
  3. Prove to us your service works using your service methods only
  4. Reply to the first ticket (from step #2) with the full report of your service

Format of Ticket

Submit your ticket in this format (failure to do so will terminate your certification effort):

Service URL: [url here]
Description: [brief description]
How: [how you provide the service]
Additional Notes: [why we should certify you and how you will prove your service works]

More Info

Your service must do as it claims. If your service states that you will bring a URL to the first page for a chosen keyword, you must do that to your service URL in order to get certified. If you provide high quality, manual blog comments, do not submit spam/spun comments and expect it to be certified.


You must get approval from step #1 above before you start. Do not submit a ticket and immediately begin.

Spam/Automated Service?

Spam - no. Automated, we accept as long as it works.


We've created a forum thread for questions, concerns and comments. Click here to join the conversation.

Where to submit a ticket or