
Answers from user arachnophobik Page 3

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This is true and you can actually make things which seem to be the impossible be possible. You hear a lot of people put them selfs down like "I can't do this" or "I am never going to get any traffic to my website". Truth...

  • keen2write
    keen2write Level 2
  • 37 7 years ago

    I was thinking that I like my job very much, and I have to expand my horizon to see the world and I want to learn about the best jobs that you can have in your country.

  • BatmanWayne
    BatmanWayne Level 1
  • 62 7 years ago

    Look, I personally know I'm not the best content writers around. And guess what? This is important! Don't get ahead of yourself when it comes to your skills, I'm not saying don't trust your abilities, but never assume yo...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 28 7 years ago

    I'd like to know if there are any mistakes you can make that influence SEO in a bad way. In other words, I want know what I should never do in my blog. Thanks in advance!

  • haerondir
    haerondir Level 1
  • 18 7 years ago

    A few things from non-programmers that give me the cringes: Them: “Then how do they do it?” Me: “Because they have more money and programmers than us, period. You want it, put more money!” Them: “You should u...

  • LeeLeakey
    LeeLeakey Level 1
  • 27 7 years ago

    Startup, The very first step on Your Road To SUCCESS! Now, Crank the character trait "Self Awareness" all the way UP. Get a piece of paper. Get a pen/pencil. List #1 "What I suck at doing." List #2 "What I'm really great...

  • LeeLeakey
    LeeLeakey Level 1
  • 39 7 years ago

    So, you've got a mobile smartphone. And you use it for doing things like, checking social media, checking emails, that kind of thing. Right? But did you know that you can put your mobile to much more use than that and ac...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 44 7 years ago

    Everyone has a friend on their friends list that can be put into a certain type of category of friend am I right? And since there are quite a lot of different types of Facebook friend, it's likely that you have one of th...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 36 7 years ago

    Facebook is now trying to take over the crowd funding world by pushing forward a feature within their website and app that allows users to set up a sort of GoFundMe page for anyone to see. Large corporations like GoFun...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 12 7 years ago

    Do you know the Internet? Do you really know the Internet? Do you know what goes on every day or even every second on and through the Internet? Did you know there are approximately 3.5 billion Internet users in the world...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 22 7 years ago

    Sometimes small business owners have some bad habits on social media that they need to work on. Some people even think that social media for their businesses is over rated, which is ridiculous lol. If this is you the...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 34 7 years ago

    Earlier on I was talking to my mate about something and she was telling me about how she used to play Farmville or something on Facebook years ago and got quite into it and created this community on Facebook about it and...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 9 7 years ago

    I like using VR Headset. But I worry if by chance the smartphone blasts or get caught with fire. Then there is a huge chance of losing eyes from blast. If it burns your hand then you can manage it somehow by throwing awa...

  • Aplau
    Aplau Level 1
  • 19 7 years ago

    I understand some marketers do an excellent job working Reddit! What is the best approach to this for Shopify or affiliate marketing?

  • DonScott
    DonScott Level 1
  • 12 7 years ago

    As an online business owner, you want to use every tool you have to increase traffic. As you probably know, original content is the key to attracting new visitors. Good quality content will make people keep on returning ...

  • roxanam84
    roxanam84 Level 1
  • 24 7 years ago

    Everyone has an everyday schedule. Some people have very intense schedules and some people don't have it has rough, so I'd like to hear some of both!

  • Sino989
    Sino989 Level 1
  • 29 7 years ago

    We all know what LinkedIn is, but why are their ads worthless? We all want to make more money online and most of the time it will boil down to running a PPC campaign. LinkedIn being one of the biggest social networks i...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 8 7 years ago

    There is this big push to get more and more followers on social media. Understandably so. However, do all followers carry the same value?

  • imhero
    imhero Level 1
  • 7 7 years ago

    One of the latest trending crazes to jump on right now is the Fidget Spinner which is just basically a small hand held mechanical gadget plaything that has a bearing in the middle and it spins around in a kind of hypnoti...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 13 7 years ago

    One of the most important things in a site and in SEO is to have regularly new, quality content. This will not only attract new users, but also keep the old users interested. At the same time, it's something that pleases...

  • oportosanto
    oportosanto Level 1
  • 12 7 years ago

    It is necessary to take care of your health while working so you could work in long term. Try to change your sitting positions after every 20 minutes. Choose a place to work where you can concetrate easily. Work on a lap...

    44 7 years ago

    In recent months I have heard that being a social media manager for mall business is a lucrative career opportunity, especially when you are proficient in SEO optimization for websites. I would like to hear some opinio...

  • kingrichez
    kingrichez Level 1
  • 13 7 years ago

    I think an article should be faithful enough that it should give you quantity and as much as quality knowledge. It should not be something that you regret as you wasted your time on writing it. It is a social crime to mi...

    22 7 years ago

    Hello! I'm just starting trying to get myself and the work that I do out there to other people to earn a little more extra money. I know people have already asked this so I apologize for making another discussion about i...

  • Sino989
    Sino989 Level 1
  • 16 7 years ago

    When people are rude to you or speak to you in a funny, condescending, bullish tone, or if they just outright insult you or your business and say something rude and derogatory. Say whether in person, on the phone, live c...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 39 7 years ago

    You can post as much as you want. Your posts should be meaningful but not for only filling the space. It is a good idea to write 2-3 posts daily but these should be high-quality content. It is better to google the topic ...

    15 7 years ago

    If you are tired of writing your ideas then there is a way to write unique content with little effort. Watch the video on youtube about gadget reviews and transcribe them into your words. Check this transcription in plag...

    8 7 years ago

    When it comes to the blogging then most important is to get traffic from different sources. The easiest way to gain traffic is to get it from social media and Facebook is my first choice for it. I have a page for my blog...

    13 7 years ago

    When it comes to social media then first important thing is to get followers. This how i do to get followers on Twitter. I use to follow many users of twitter having same interest and more than 50% of them follow me back...

    14 7 years ago

    Use Xbox One To Create And Upload a YouTube Video Great thing about owning An Xbox One not sure if playstation does the same but recently It as helped me with my YouTube Gaming channel. Now many may know it is now easi...

  • keen2write
    keen2write Level 2
  • 12 7 years ago

    When you go through most of the videos at YouTube, which do you typically click initial one with around 5 or 10 views or one with around 50,000 views. Many members you will find will click mainly on the higher view count...

  • keen2write
    keen2write Level 2
  • 17 7 years ago

    We have all more less been in that state of mind. You have a really smart thought what must be done, however you can't do it. You know it is the suitable thing to do, however you can't act. You are trapped. You reflect o...

  • keen2write
    keen2write Level 2
  • 14 7 years ago

    I just started to go to the gym,and actually I'm a BIT thin...and I want to build up muscles a bit I thought of taking a supplement/protein. But some people say that it is not good to take those,if you start t...

  • N0VA
    N0VA Level 1
  • 31 7 years ago

    uTorrent is planning a new version of its software that will run directly from your current browser. Let's face it, most of us here use uTorrent because is the most popular and most effective Bittorrent client out th...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 10 7 years ago

    FULL SPECS OF MY RIG: - INTEL i7 6700K - ASUS Z170 Maximus VIII Hero - G SKILL Ripjaws X 8GB (2X4GB) DDR4 - WESTERN DIGITAL 1 TB SATA III HDD - MSI GTX 980 Ti Gaming - THERMALTAKE Core V51 750W - CORSAIR H80i GT...

  • OptimismSEO
    OptimismSEO Level 1
  • 5 7 years ago

    I was having a look around earlier today for blogs that tend to write content about television shows and even though I found a fair few I couldn't find anything specifically that I was looking for and it got me thinking ...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 7 7 years ago

    I enjoy posting on blogs and I have in the past come across a lot of blogs that have allowed guest blog posting which is sometimes more convenient than registering to a lot of blogs. The only downfall to guest blog posti...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 12 7 years ago

    I watched these two movies after checking IMDB rating and liked these three. Bone Tomahawk (2015) Dances with Wolves (1990) Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) Actually I'm searching for movies like these. I've kept them i...

  • Aplau
    Aplau Level 1
  • 23 7 years ago

    I'm looking to buy 1 million Youtube Subscribers fast, such as within 1-2 months. Do you think this will be safe? Also, how can I hire a Youtube expert that won't get my account banned.

    17 7 years ago

    Nothing in life is totally FREE! So, when Google is offering everyone all these FREE products, I am wondering if there is a HIDDEN motive behind their kindness? What do you all think about Google's corporate motives for ...

    6 7 years ago